Security Guard News Update

With the presidential primaries in full effect, the nation finds itself in a heated battle over the nations state of security. There are rallies and protests weekly and security at these events are extra staffed with the intention of keeping them extremely tight to minimize any violence or incidents that may be deemed harmful.

In addition to the political events, there are school and workplace violence incidents that have occurred sporadically throughout the nation. Most recently two airmen were shot and killed on Friday at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas. This goes to show that even at our nations military bases, tighter security is needed.

Also recently were the concert bombing in Paris, France, and the subway and airport bombings in Brussels, Belgium.

These tragic events have increased the interests of corporations and event organizers to put extra attention in their security department and budget.

Since the 911 tragedy, security guard jobs are one of the fast growing job sectors throughout the world and there’s no sign of it ever slowing down. If you’re looking for a new job or a career changes, that’s a good sector to look at.

Being vigilant when you’re out in public, at work, or at school, is how you can help. Keep a watchful eye on abnormal activity and alert authorities if you see something out of the ordinary that needs attention.

If you’re out at one of the political rallies and or protests, please don’t be part of the problem. Regardless of what your political beliefs are, it is your duty to help keep and enforce a peaceful environment. If you are in the midst of an altercation, if you have the ability to help ease tensions and or help put a peaceful end to it, please do it.

The last thing the nation needs it division among its people.