Security Guard News Update

With the presidential primaries in full effect, the nation finds itself in a heated battle over the nations state of security. There are rallies and protests weekly and security at these events are extra staffed with the intention of keeping them extremely tight to minimize any violence or incidents that may be deemed harmful.

In addition to the political events, there are school and workplace violence incidents that have occurred sporadically throughout the nation. Most recently two airmen were shot and killed on Friday at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas. This goes to show that even at our nations military bases, tighter security is needed.

Also recently were the concert bombing in Paris, France, and the subway and airport bombings in Brussels, Belgium.

These tragic events have increased the interests of corporations and event organizers to put extra attention in their security department and budget.

Since the 911 tragedy, security guard jobs are one of the fast growing job sectors throughout the world and there’s no sign of it ever slowing down. If you’re looking for a new job or a career changes, that’s a good sector to look at.

Being vigilant when you’re out in public, at work, or at school, is how you can help. Keep a watchful eye on abnormal activity and alert authorities if you see something out of the ordinary that needs attention.

If you’re out at one of the political rallies and or protests, please don’t be part of the problem. Regardless of what your political beliefs are, it is your duty to help keep and enforce a peaceful environment. If you are in the midst of an altercation, if you have the ability to help ease tensions and or help put a peaceful end to it, please do it.

The last thing the nation needs it division among its people.



How Effective Is Your Security Team?

Every year, property managers should go through their security plan to see if it’s adequate enough to properly keep their buildings and properties as well as employees safe and secure.

Do you have lazy security guards? Do your security guards do too much hanging around fraternizing with people who work in the building? Do they do routine walks throughout the building, property, perimeter surveillance during special events, and parking lot? Are they communicating frequently throughout the day with their superiors and each other? Are they filling out reports properly? Do they sit around all day reading books?

Check out this video of a security guard dozing off for the whole world to see in front of a busy Starbucks.

There is simply too much at stake to let the property you manage settle into a comfortable passive groove. It’s times like these when criminals strike because they know or feel that they can get away with it based on how lax the security is.

The first thing criminals do when targeting a property is “case” the place. They look at how tight the security is, from surveillance cameras, electronically secured entrances and exits, to onsite or mobile security guards. They look to see how accessible the property is and how easily they can get past security, if any, so the can enter it and accomplish their mission.

Criminals looking to break into a property, the obvious choice is to break in, during the evening when the building is empty and security is understaffed. Sometimes, criminals have no choice but to strike during the day.

For property managers, a well executed security plan includes a highly effective and extremely vigilant security team regardless of what time of day it is.

There is absolutely no excuse for security guards who doze off during their shifts or who use their shifts to catch up on the latest best selling novel. This behavior is absolutely unacceptable and should not be tolerated.

Assessing your security plan and team every few months should be mandatory and a priority if you value the property and tenants you manage.

You can never play it too safe when it comes to security.

Is Executive Protection Needed?

Executive protection, otherwise known as bodyguards or VIP protection, aren’t only for celebrities to keep the paparazzi at a distance, anyone with any sort of high public profile or top executive position of a well known company should consider executive protection.

Celebrities that are constantly in the spotlight and have hoards of fans are obvious candidates for bodyguards, but they’re not the only ones in need of constant security.

Controversial public figures, high level executives, politicians, famous personalities, athletes, and more are targets for crazed and jealous fans as well psychopaths and stalkers who feel that they need to make a statement through violent acts. Continue reading

Special Events Security

Is security for special events needed?

Special events are always a great time of fun and excitement. Whether it’s a fundraiser, concert, parade, awards ceremony, inauguration, etc… the goal is to bring people together to celebrate something special.

These events come in all different sizes, some reaching close to a million or more.

Here a picture from a video of the Seahawks Superbowl Parade after the NFL team the Seattle Seahawks won Super Bowl 48 in Feb 2014.

You can see a bodyguard for executive protection (right at the :40 second mark of the video) walking alongside the owner of the team Paul Allen (co-founder of Microsoft) riding in a Hummer.

executive protection

Here’s the full video:

As an organizer of special events, you want to always make sure that your guests are at ease, having fun, and enjoying the festivities. Your goal is to make sure that the event runs smoothly from the moment they drive up to the event and walk towards the entrance to the moment the celebration ends and they head back to their cars. Continue reading

Workplace Violence Facts

Workplace violence is just as random as public school violence. Employees show up everyday to spend the majority of their day at the same place, similar to students and teachers who have to show up at the exact same place every day for about the same length of time.

The difference is that school violence is usually related to peer pressure, relationships, and bullying.

Workplace violence is usually related to stress, work, finances, relationships, and other life pressures.

These things are likely contributors to the “trigger” that that pushes people who are already on the edge to make irrational decisions and causes them to go off on a rampage at work.

Rutgers University  says “be wary of employees who start to behave in the ways listed below:” Continue reading